A few days ago Gabriel reported on a Hanayama book puzzle that he got and I thought I'd add a few of my own. I picked these up in 2010 at Torito in Tokyo. They were among the last of my puzzle purchases of that years IPP.
The first up is an egg. I have a version of this in wood somewhere around the house, so I only took it out and took the photo. Basically you snap together two of the gold bits, add a silver bit, snap in another gold bit then add a silver bit and you have a ball (yolk) inside an egg. This design was made by none other than the rather prolific puzzle designer Oskar.

The final one is called something along the lines of Disco. 5 Guys were out for a night on the town and had one too many. They need to Be packed into a cab and sent home. They have obviously been hitting the sauce as can be seen in the photo below. Inside there tummies each has a card suit and there is an extra star. Now as far as I can tell from the packaging, there are 4 different challenges. Three with four different wonky men and the last with all five pieces. While this looks easy, I still haven't managed to find all the solutions. It will keep for another puzzling day. Hanayama also made 2 more that I don't have. One has something to do with cheese, and the last looks like a bunch of triangles. Maybe I'll pick those up next year....