Notes from Puzzle Palace

Monday, December 11, 2023

Coming soon!


For more information, go to

For those of you that read this drivel that I publish, you may remember back in December of 2021 we had some people come take some footage for a documentary on us.  Well, it is finished and will be shown soon at a Prestigious Film Festival somewhere in the world (I'm not allowed to tell where just yet.)  If you are interested in seeing a bit more about our lives, love, and puzzles please do join the mailing list for information on where and when you can see the film.  If you come to the World Puzzle Center, you may just be able to view the lovers in person.  I've seen the film and they have done an amazing job of capturing us as we really are.  


  1. maybe a 12 minute short documentary?

  2. How about re-titling it as the World Puzzle Headquarters?
