Notes from Puzzle Palace

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Family and home...

Sorry for the long delay in posting.  Between Jetlag and studying for this damned driving test....Time just got away from me.  I make up for it now with the rest of the trip and loads of photos!

When we found out that IPP was to be in Houston we decided to make an extra long trip of it.  We both have family that is getting older and decided to spend time with them.  

We started out in Florida as you read previously and now it was time to head to Illinois.

Because of that little wind storm we lost a few days time.  This meant we had to miss the Land Between the Lakes and a few caves that we had planned to see.  On Wednesday we took off and drove as fast and as far north as possible.  Our route took us past Dallas and up towards Springfield Mo.  This was a hard 10 hour drive (12 if you count the charging and bathroom stops). There the rains were just too harsh so we stopped at a Red Roof Inn alongside the road as it was the only place available.  We brought in our game to play, but the table was just too sticky.  Pass.  We didn't look too closely at anything in the room, crashed for the night and took off again early in the morning.  

Throughout the trip we saw loads of interesting sights.  I just love some of the street signs.  

First stop: B&N to look at puzzles.  We lucked out and found a few that we didn't have, but better still was seeing many that George prototyped.  
We had a nice chat with a young man about which Rubik's cube was best and went on our way.  

I wanted to stop in St. Louis and ride up the arch, but I read that the parking garages near by were closed due to too much vandalism so we snapped a few photos as we drove by instead. 

We ended up in Springfield Illinois for the next night then hit Costco the next morning before heading to Dad's.  We also saw one of the largest outdoor stores I've ever seen!  A ferris wheel inside the building! 

We dropped all the food we bought for a BBQ that night, and headed over to check into our hotel.  
Here we unloaded the car. Sans gifts and headed back to Dad's.  It was a very fun evening.  My daughter, her husband and 2 kids, Brother and his family, Dad and of course, George and I were all in attendance.  Poor Wendy did all the BBQing.  I had a nice time talking to Dad but after a few hours, my allergies were getting to me and we had to go.  
My baby brother isn't such a baby any more. He's far outgrown me.  No more slapping his bum on the stovetop.  
Ricky Solved a puzzle and George taught Andres how to play Nim.

We were booked into the Henry Riverside Hotel, and I would highly recommend it.  It is a lovely out of the way hotel that overlooks the Illinois River and the Henry marina.  A bit kitschy, and small beds, but we made it work. 

The next day we had a nice breakfast with my brother and his wife in a local place.  Then headed to Dad's for a few hours.  We didn't last long as I had a date with Naomi and Gavin.  I took the grandkids out for a bit of school shopping and then we headed to Krissy's to make a nice Italian dish for dinner.  Dumb mom forgot to buy pasta.  Where do you get fresh pasta in that area? Oh well.  The kids really enjoyed it and all was gone within a few minutes.  We called it an early night. 
Both of my girls love this guy.  I'm not sure why....
The next morning we had to go to town (30 minutes away) to charge the car.  While there I ran into the grocery store to get taffy and ravs for Kat, and while there I saw their fried chicken.  I know Dad loves friend chicken so I bought a meal for about 20 people and we headed to his house again.  The meal was a hit.  The only problem?  There was so much left over that everyone had food for the next week.  

We spent quite a long time talking with Dad.  I don't know when I will be able to return again so this was a special time for me.  I've lived my entire adult life minus 3 years overseas.  It's always wonderful to see my Dad and brother.  I've missed so many family events; births, deaths, weddings...Any time I can get is precious to me.

I packed the car and the next morning when we woke we headed out again.  This time I had a surprise for George.  We were heading to Michigan to visit with our friend Lee Krasnow.  This was funny because in the morning George read Lee's latest email and saw the town name we were headed to, but was clueless.  He remembered that he had seen it, but simply couldn't place it.  When we pulled up I told him to turn and he missed the drive.  We did a u-turn and George was semi-complaining about it being someone's private property.  
He completely missed the mailbox which should have been a clue.  Then Lee walked to the open door and the smile on George's face was priceless. 

Here we got a great tour of his workshop.  What an amazing space!  George was envious.  I don't care how much he begs, he's not allowed anymore rooms.  I've been to Lee's shop in California, but this space was even better.  He tried to show us a big machine running-cnc with rotating arms and such, but Murphy's law, he had it running earlier in the day but it refused to work for us.  Oh well, next visit.  Hopefully then we will see it making something.  Did I mention he has 2 of these?  And room for more!  The space really is incredible.

Lee made us a great lunch, and we had a really nice time just chatting with our friend.  He is planning a trip here for a longer stay, but we have to buy a piano first?!?  Where do I find one of those?  And what would I do with it when he's gone?  Yet another puzzle to solve.  

Sadly because of the hurricane in Texas, we were only able to stay a few hours there.  We took off and headed south once again.  I had a week before our flight and still loads to do in Florida.  I think we made it  to Peru Indiana that night.  I simply couldn't drive any further.  We stayed at the Circus City Inn.  How fitting.   
Early the next morning we awoke and headed for Ruby Falls.  I had been here when I was around 12 but George has never seen it so we simply had to stop by.  At 10 am we had our entrance and it was well worth the extra detour.  Of course we had to look at their "castle".  (FYI: it's small)  

From here, we headed for Florida.  As it was still a long drive, we broke it up by stopping somewhere north of Orlando. 

The next morning we made Lauderhill again, signed the Bug over to the Bug and headed to Miami to spend the last part of our stay with George's brothers.  Since they were in Boca visiting a new grandchild, we took a drive to see the Coral Castle.  (We seem to have a thing for visiting castles now-wonder why.)  What a hoot this was!  I looked at it and couldn't help but let out a laugh.  That is it!  But it was fun anyway.  

The next week was spent with George's brother Bob and his wife.  I spent the weekend finishing up helping Katherine with organizing her home.  Generally, it was just a lot of good mom and Bug time.  

I miss all of our chats and the window shopping we did when we lived near each other.  Now I savor the time we have together.  But as always, there is never enough time.  I wish I had more time with Krissy.  With her living so far away, there simply isn't enough time ever.  Thank goodness for social media and messaging.  At least we can all stay in contact.

On Monday morning George sent the 4 suitcases on to Italy while I picked up the kid to bring her back to Miami.  See, we gave her the VW when she graduated uni and she's decided to sell it. Because we sold our home in Boca we have no where to keep the Tesla so Kat got that to drive instead.  The upside?  We have a car when we go home.  George is comfortable driving it and we have free supercharging for life so we'd be fools to give it up.  Heck, free gas for the kid is incentive enough to sell her bug.  

Tuesday we headed to the airport and bar a bit of runway time, it was smooth flying home.  This trip I left the car at a long term parking garage and it was waiting for us when we arrived.  Three hours later we were home again.  

A month is a long time to be away from home.  I never thought I'd say that with my wanderlust, but it's true.  Dorthy was right: "There's no place like home."

Until next time...

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