I immediately contacted the organizers and a few close puzzle friends to set up a meet and such...
I flew into Amsterdam, dropped off my bags, ran to talk and then headed back to the hotel. I'm such a lucky girl because my puzzle friend Hendrik was going to DCD as well so he took a detour and picked me up to drive down together.
Rox though is ever the party girl and had one last beer with Hendrik and Maarten before turning in.
The next morning I was woken early and we headed over to the venue for DCD. As I was along for the ride, I was enlisted to help run Hendrik's table. But that didn't stop me from being Rox. I walked in and started giving hugs to all that I hadn't already hugged.

I had a great time working the Munich fair with Hendrik, although I'm sure he didn't always enjoy my company. I helped out a bit, but probably lost him sales because of my bad (read non-existent) German. After the fair was over he told me it took him longer to set up the booth with my help than it did when he did it alone. The fair was very different from the toys fairs here in HK. People sat around and played games and bought the ones they liked. That would never go down here.
All in all it was a great puzzle/work week. I'm yet again thrilled that I have such good puzzling friends who not only put up with me, but also embrace my little bit of crazy and still love me. I sincerely hope I manage to make it to another DCD in the future. I owe a big thank you to all who made it yet another special trip for me.