Notes from Puzzle Palace

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Day 5 Mannheim to Speyer

After a nice long sleep, we got up fixed breakfast and headed out to Speyer today.   

Back in the saddle again. Gene Autry keeps going through my head. Better than Eddie Grant I guess.  Did I tell you my ass hurts?  I’m not used to this.  Yesterday we walked 14,000 steps. That’s more my thing.  

Today’s ride was much shorter.  We only went 27km according to the book. We were able to see more of the flooding along our route.  The dirt on the trees and shrubs was much higher up, and the water had not receded as much in this area.  I have to admit, the overgrown trees was absolutely stunning.  This is what I remember of the German countryside from years long gone.  

When waiting for OJ to get off the ship, George befriended another couple who ended up following us as they were a bit lost.  Around 11:30 we stopped to have a coffee and use the loo.  

I was smart and wore the sweatshirt I purchased yesterday.  It was bloody cold today.  Oskar pointed out some of the pockets of warm air we were traveling through, but I assured him that was just George outgassing.  Old men do that a lot you know.  

While having a coffee I got the news that our kitchen flooring was being delivered!  Every day we get closer to moving into the palace. 

We carried on past yet more industry.  One of the electrical plants we went past was rather dystopian.  Here we crossed on yet another ferry and  headed on our way back to the ship. 

We had a picnic in the park before OJ headed off for the Technology museum.  I wanted to go, but George was exhausted and our nipples were ready to fall off.  We returned to the boat, took a very long shower and crawled into bed to warm up.  It was funny listening to a conversation about....quantum computing, these 2 gentlemen were trying to school Oskar on his area of expertise.   I didn't really understand it, but it was just funny when George explained what Oskar does for his real job. (Not the puzzles.)  Anyway, it reminded me of a conversation we had a few days ago about not bragging if you only know a little bit about something.  (Note to self, stop being a know-it-all!)

We met everyone for dinner later that night as always.  tonight it was Italian night.  

Oskar womansplaining photon spins

No comment on the food, but given where I live.... Bless them, they tried.  

After dinner George and Heidi played a game of chess.  He won again, but said she was stiff competition. 

Until tomorrow.

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