Notes from Puzzle Palace

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Puzzle Boxes

After living in Hong Kong with sweating walls during the summer, I have never been much of a fan of puzzle boxes.  The problem with them is they would swell and get stuck. This rendered them useless except for a few weeks in winter. Because of this, I just didn't purchase any.  Well, all of that has changed now.  We are full up on puzzle boxes.  With the humidity control in both Puzzle Palace and the museum, swelling is not something we need to worry about any longer. 

I have dedicated one room to puzzle boxes. Initially I put the Karakuri boxes under the stairs and thought that would be enough space to hold them.  Boy was I wrong.  What was I thinking?  The Kamei boxes themselves take up two columns alone.  The stairs only have a tiny bit of space under them.  

This room also has a number of metal cabinets and some wooden ones in it.  These are used for two purposes.  First, they make a great table to work on.  Second, they hold the dexterity puzzles that we have acquired.  And boy are there a lot of those!  The cabinets that are used as a table are the perfect height. They are waist high for me so there is plenty of space to spread out on and puzzle.  Currently the tops are just metal and formica, but this may change in the future.  I may put some stools in there for a bit of relief, but haven't fully decided on that yet.  

Now for the real reason for posting this today: I want some help identifying the Karakuri boxes. I know each designer has their own color and would like to keep the designers separated.  I would also like to label each designer on the cabinets, but I don't know who is who.  All information would be helpful and appreciated!  The only designer I know is Kamei.  His boxes have a blue lid.  As you can see, we have quite a few rows of those.  

The photos are not perfect, I'm still unboxing and it is hard to photograph through more shipping boxes.  Updates will be made as we progress. I wish I had time to play, but my eidetic memory is George's excuse to play while I unpack.  Now if only I knew the names of all the puzzles...Failing that, the color of the boxes and designer name would be amazing!


  1. The baby (bright) blue ones are by Yoh Kakuda.

  2. Here is a photo that identifies the box colors used by each recent member of the Karakuri Creation Group.
