I've never seen anything like it! What an amazing thing! people running around (not really) trading puzzles with eachother. There were so many amazing puzzles there today it wasn't funny. I can't even begin to explain all of what I saw. And yes, for all you TP fans, the latch cube was an exchange puzzle. There were burrs, voids, magics, put together, packing, rings, eggs....you name it.
4 hours of just trading puzzles with people and listening to what each puzzle did. Loads of stories about them and many more! What a trip! What an experience.
After, we took a walk around Osaka to check out what was on offer. Went to a food street, then off to an electronics street. A bit of puzzle shopping and Mickey mouse is coming home with me. Ran back to listen to a bit of one lecture, then another. We ended the day with dinner.
Dinner! so many people were there (warning-heavy name dropping here-and sorry for those I missed): Oskar and his wife, Panda, Dave (later) Jason, Hidetoshi, Okamoto, Stan Issac, Tom, George, Bob, Jerry, myself. Later others dropped by to check out the toys. And what a bunch of toys it was too!
I leave you with a teaser. FB fotos will be loaded tomorrow because it is now past 12 and I'm dead. Have to wake up very early for the puzzle party!
first of all, I say: Okamoto was there!??! secondly, was there any buying of puzzles or did you have to exchange? Thirdly, what are the criteria for being involved in this thing?